Rotary believes in developing the next generation of leaders.
Our committee organizes and sponsors programs to help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education and learn the value of service. Questions? Contact us at [email protected]
Current Projects

Interact Club
An interact club is for the youth aged 12-18 who are interested in community service. The organization exists primarily to affect change not only locally but internationally as well. These clubs meet at least twice a month and tackle various and realize interact project ideas as well as attend social events and gatherings, as need be.

Youth Exchange
Rotary Youth Exchange is building world peace one young person at a time. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and gain personal knowledge of a country to augment the views they read about in newspapers and magazines. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by Rotary clubs in more than 100 countries. Poulsbo Rotary has been sponsoring inbound students since 1978 and outbound students since 1982.
Other Projects

Kidzz Helping Kidzz
A youth-led organization that has delivered over 30,00 toys to the children in local hospitals to help heal children in their time of need. The youth involved in this project are giving back to children, showing kindness and compassion, right to their bedside.

Girls On The Run
Inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fund, experience-based curriculum integrating social-emotional learning, life skills and physical activity.

NKHS Band Boosters
Funded new instruments needed for the students and the band.

Vinland Elementary PTSA
Funded an Outdoor Environmental Education Program for 5th Graders. Over 80 students attended this 3 day, 2 night program that focused on environmental education, outdoor education and teamwork.

Kitsap Regional Library Foundation
Funding an adventure with a field trip to a local library to explore and discover all the resources available. Funding covers backpacks, books and supplies and transportation.